Thursday, April 3, 2008

spring break..

Spring break was kinda odd for me this year... I had alot of baseball practices i had to go to on spring break. Although on my day off on baseball practices i either went outside or stayed inside either played computer and gh3=guitar hero 3 :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

about me and my life

my name is mason and i am 12 years old i realy like sports. one of my favorite sports is bowling. My other favorite sport is baseball. My parents names are Kelly and Kevin (Bud) My dad has his own buisness and his company is names Buds Masonary. He has been running it for over a year now and it had been a really sucesseve buisness. My mom works as an aid a Triad Elementary school. She said to me that she has a 4 year contract in being an aid at Triad,and i was really proud of her. She helps Preschol throufgh 2nd grade and she says she has a blast teaching them and helping them learn about numbers,leters,colors,and words. I dont know what there learning right now but she said it is really fun. So this is all about me and my life.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

2 hour delays

i love 2 hour delays. they are the greatest thing in the world but school closings are way better.2 hour delays wil always rule in my life!